CEO group conference

We create customized stickers based on the topics of the conference


Their Custom Sheet

We went with nine subject and three attribute stickers. Check out the demo legend here


How attendees use them

Attendees choose stickers that best reflect what they are interested in and put them on the badge. Here are some use cases.



A Business Mind

This persona is the natural leader or manager. The stickers hone in on what matters most as they have a lot on their mind. They are looking for solutions so the stickers are both a signal for others to see their needs, this persona to share their expertise, and for them to seek solutions from content experts with those indiated areas of interests.

  • Outgoing, magnanimous
  • A Leader, manager
  • High-level leadership, has many employees relying on them


The Accontant

This persona is more hesitant to engage, yet they appreciate specificity and are technically-minded. They will use the stickers to associate with like-minded thinkers as well as discuss what they are comfortable sharing. Perhaps though, they will welcome a new topic or area of interest that they might not otherwise.

  • Introverted, technical
  • Interested in using data to drive decisions
  • A more number-oriented person


The Rebel

This persona is the artistic type. The stickers are a perfect fit to carefully select what represents them as well as indicate their specialties. They could select the technical and/or direct/produce stickers. This will help them find other like-minded or similarly interested individuals.

  • Looking for a new adventure
  • A creative mind, an innovator
  • Perhaps is currently in the wrong fit hoping for a change

Optional, additional material

We create additional printed material assets (posters, brochures) to maximize product awareness


How our optional web application could work

We enhance conference experience with an application

For users

1 app image

Attendees will select their stickers in the app legend

2 app image

Attendees will fill in their contact information and will be able to see other attendees contact information based on the sticker choice

3 app image

Conference staff will send announcements to the group of people that have chosen particular sticker

4 app image

Attendees will see the conference schedule

5 app image

Attendees will rate your event, conference admin will receive the statistics

For admin

Conference staff will manage the event from the admin site of the app

admin panel
admin panel